Outlet for midwives

Midwives make an important part of our society. They help families on the way to a new life, provide security and stand on the side of expective mothers with your experience in one of the most challenging moments of life.
As a family business, we know the value of your work and would like to support you in doing so.
As a thank you, you will receive a 15% discount on all products. In addition you will receive in a few weeks, exclusive access to items with small "errors" at very small prices (B-Ware).
Become part of the Wollbody family!
Register hereas a customer at Wollbody, and then send us Proof of your professional status as a midwifemail@wollbody.de.
With the inclusion in our midwifery directory with your name, telephone number, e-mail address and website-we will be happy to present you in a blog post.