about Wool Body

Dear parents,
Like you, we at Wollbody care about the well-being of the little ones. We act out of passion to offer quality products for the young. That is why we place the high demands on all our wool body products to protect the particularly sensitive skin of children, to keep them warm and dry and to be comfortable, practical and of course beautiful. For when it comes to the little ones, we tick like you: only the best for the little ones!
Highest quality for the little ones is not our only concern. We at Wollbody also want to form a counterpole to the quick-life and conventional consumption of low-quality low-cost products. With our wide range of ecological and long-lasting natural products, wool is therefore a sustainable and responsible consumer. Therefore, wool-based products are manufactured exclusively in Europe and are mostly IVN-certified*. With the TAKE & PASS system we at Wollbody are also committed to the long-term use of the clothes and for the good purpose, which also benefits you as a customer!
Will of conviction
Convinced of the material, Wollbody offers you products from a very fine wool-silk mixture. This natural material, which can be recycled to 100 per cent, is not only skin-tolerant, breathable and anti-allergenic, but also particularly soft, and makes the sensitive skin of children sweat much less than conventional textiles. For you as a parent, this pays off in relaxing hours while your child sleeps peacefully, on the one hand, and on the other hand, you save yourself unnecessary frequent washing of clothes.
And that is why we at Wollbody want to offer you the largest selection of high-quality wool products, while remaining faithful to our guiding trident: good for the child, good for the parents, good for the environment!